lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2016

 New York Times archive.

February 08, 1938 - By EDWARD ALDEN JEWELL - Print Headline: "SHOW REPRESENTS MEXICAN ARTISTS; Work of Fifteen Painters of Present Day on View at the Valentine Gallery"
Siqueiros, Julio Castellanos and Dr. Atl, although much less familiar than the first three named, are not newcomers here, but Federico Cantu, Gabriel Fernandez Ledesma, Guerrero Galvan, Augustin Lazo, Roberto

May 21, 1939 - - Print Headline: "OPENINGS OF THE WEEK"
Associated American Artists Gallery (May 23-June 12). Brabazon, Hercules--Water-colors. Knoedler Galleries (May 22-June 3). Cantu, Federico--Recent oils. Charles Morgan Gallery. (May 22-June 10). Dix,

May 28, 1939,
AMERICAN artists to the number of thirty-six are repre sented in the eleventh annual exhibition of the American Print Makers, current (till June 12) at the galleries of Associated American Artists. Informal in operation, this organization has no officers, but Anne Goldthwaite, one of the twelve founders, acts as chairman.

January 28, 1940,
new exhibitors in -- the galleries-Ar bit Blatas, born in Lithuania, whose paintings are at the French Art Gallery, and Federico Cantu, of Mexican birth, whose oils and drawings may be seen at the Charles Morgan Gal

January 26, 1941,
UNIQUE in the field it covers, an exhibition of Coptic art has opened at the Brooklyn, Museum. Perhaps the first showing to attempt such scope, either in Europe or America, the material displayed has been assembled strictly for its intrinsic artistic merit.
reens and reds of the nude figures possess the impact of the show. Another visitor from the republic to the south is Federico Cantu, who has become familiar to New York gallery goers in recent years. Late work,

May 22, 1942 - By EDWARD ALDEN JEWELL - Print Headline: "EXHIBITION IS HELD BY ART FEDERATION; Modern Painters and Sculptors Have Large Display at Their Second Annual Show INDEPENDENCE IS KEYNOTE Several of Exhibitors Sponsor Nonobjective Abstraction -- Expressionism Also Noted"
everything in the show. Other artists represented are l[ilton Avery, Harold Baumbach, A. 1M[ark Datz (a self-portrait), Federico Cantu, Arnold Friedman, Joseph Lenhard, Rene Lahrn, Paul Mommer, Joseph Seharl, Simka

April 11, 1943 - By EDWARD ALDEN JEWELLE.A.J - Print Headline: "BIG NEW GROUP EXHIBITIONS; The International Water-Color Show at the Brooklyn Museum -- 'Arizona Plan' at the Metropolitan -- Annual by Women"
which, the appeal of some of the water-colors by IViariano, and of Amer-. Pelaez is not to be denied. It seems to me that Federico Cantu and Guillerrno rather than Rivera, Orozco and 1Vferida, enliven the 1V[ group

April 16, 1944 - By HOWARD DEVREE - Print Headline: "NEW GROUP SHOWS ARE VARIED"
and several small and adept wood figures by Ellen Key-Oberg. The Artists' Gallery is showing drawings by Hans Boehler, Federico Cantu, Maurice Golubov, Joseph and Louis Monza, and etchings and lithographs by Charles

November 10, 1946 - By H.R. HAYS - Print Headline: "People of San Rafael"
Mackinley Helm is no exception.People of San Rafael By H.R. HAYS A MATTER OF LOVE. By Mackinicy Helm. Decorations . by Federico Cantu. 251 pp. New York: Harper Ec Bros. s2.50. tales of a provincial city of the

domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2016

'The Rest on the Flight into Egypt' by Federico Cantú

The scene depicting 'The Rest on the Flight into Egypt' by Federico Cantú is indebted to Albrecht Dürer’s work. Both works are characterised by a touching domesticity, showing the Holy Family tired after their long journey.

The flight into Egypt is a biblical event described in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:13-23), in which Joseph fled to Egypt with Mary and infant son Jesus after a visit by Magi because they learned that King Herod intended to kill the infants of that area. The episode is frequently shown in art, as the final episode of the Nativity of Jesus in art, and was a common component in cycles of the Life of the Virgin as well as the Life of Christ.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Federico Cantú 1907-1989
" Turkey -NY1939"

Wishing a delicious Thanksgiving feast to all! Enjoy Federico Cantú's 
" Turkey -NY1939"

miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2016

A passion for Mexican modernism: The Lewin Family Collection

Christies 2017

Masterworks from the personal collection of Bernard Lewin, a pioneer in the market for Mexican art, are offered in the Latin American Art sales on 22 & 23 November

For generations, the Lewin family of Palm Springs, California, has been passionately dedicated to the study, promotion and collecting of Latin American art. Their legacy began in 1954 when Bernard Lewin (1906-2003) saw his first painting by Mexican modernist Rufino Tamayo. From that chance encounter, Lewin went on to amass one of the largest personal collections of Mexican modernism in the United States and to introduce countless individuals to the artists he so loved through his eponymous galleries in Beverly Hills and Palm Springs.

Lewin arrived in California in 1938 after fleeing Nazi Germany with his wife Edith (1911-1999) and their four-year-old son and only child Ralph. He began making a living for his family by moving furniture before moving on to buying and selling estates and eventually opening his own furniture store.

Slowly he began to notice not only the furniture but also the fine art collections of his clients and was inspired to learn more. Determined to meet some of the artists he had come to admire and better familiarise himself with their work, Lewin made his first trip to Mexico in 1958. He visited the studio of  Federico Cantú and bought some Engravings , cavas and asks the artist to design the logo of the Gallery, also visit Diego Rivera and bought some of the deceased artist’s sketchbooks from the 1930s.

The Lewin Family Collection
Retrato de Gloria con paisaje
Federico Cantú 1907-1989
Oleo sobre Tela

Fascinated by Mexican art, Lewin eventually gave up the furniture business and established his art gallery in 1968 in Beverly Hills, where he championed the work of such luminaries as Rufino Tamayo, Federico Cantú, Ricardo Martinez, Alfredo Ramos Marinez, Jesús Guerrero Galvan Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Carlos Mérida, Francisco Zúñiga and many others now offered for sale at Christie’s.

LACMA The Lewin Family Collection  mexican-mural-study-federico-cantú

With Lewins’ generous gift, LACMA instantly became the steward for one of the most comprehensive collections of Mexican modernism in the country

Today the Cantú Y de Teresa Art Collection holds the largest collection of portraits dedicated to the figure of Gloria, this collection includes ink, canvas and sculpture engraving

All of them have been exhibited in the main museums in America, museums such as: Philadelphia Museum, Santa Barbara Museum, MOMA, Metropolitan Museum, Art Club of Chicago, Palace of Fine Arts Museum, MAM

CYDT owns the original designs that Federico dedicated to The Lewin gallery