New York Times archive.
February 08, 1938 - By EDWARD ALDEN JEWELL
- Print Headline: "SHOW REPRESENTS MEXICAN ARTISTS; Work of Fifteen
Painters of Present Day on View at the Valentine Gallery"
Siqueiros, Julio Castellanos and Dr. Atl,
although much less familiar than the first three named, are not newcomers here,
but Federico Cantu, Gabriel Fernandez Ledesma, Guerrero Galvan,
Augustin Lazo, Roberto
May 21, 1939 - - Print Headline:
Associated American Artists Gallery (May
23-June 12). Brabazon, Hercules--Water-colors. Knoedler Galleries (May 22-June
3). Cantu, Federico--Recent oils. Charles Morgan Gallery. (May
22-June 10). Dix,
May 28, 1939,
artists to the number of thirty-six are repre sented in the eleventh annual
exhibition of the American Print Makers, current (till June 12) at the
galleries of Associated American Artists. Informal in operation, this
organization has no officers, but Anne Goldthwaite, one of the twelve founders,
acts as chairman.
January 28, 1940,
new exhibitors in -- the galleries-Ar bit
Blatas, born in Lithuania, whose paintings are at the French Art Gallery, and Federico
Cantu, of Mexican birth, whose oils and drawings may be seen at the
Charles Morgan Gal
January 26, 1941,
UNIQUE in the
field it covers, an exhibition of Coptic art has opened at the Brooklyn,
Museum. Perhaps the first showing to attempt such scope, either in Europe or
America, the material displayed has been assembled strictly for its intrinsic
artistic merit.
reens and reds of the nude figures possess
the impact of the show. Another visitor from the republic to the south is Federico
Cantu, who has become familiar to New York gallery goers in recent
years. Late work,
May 22, 1942 - By EDWARD ALDEN JEWELL -
Print Headline: "EXHIBITION IS HELD BY ART FEDERATION; Modern Painters and
Sculptors Have Large Display at Their Second Annual Show INDEPENDENCE IS
KEYNOTE Several of Exhibitors Sponsor Nonobjective Abstraction -- Expressionism
Also Noted"
everything in the show. Other artists
represented are l[ilton Avery, Harold Baumbach, A. 1M[ark Datz (a
self-portrait), Federico Cantu, Arnold Friedman, Joseph Lenhard,
Rene Lahrn, Paul Mommer, Joseph Seharl, Simka
April 11, 1943 - By EDWARD ALDEN JEWELLE.A.J
- Print Headline: "BIG NEW GROUP EXHIBITIONS; The International
Water-Color Show at the Brooklyn Museum -- 'Arizona Plan' at the Metropolitan
-- Annual by Women"
which, the appeal of some of the
water-colors by IViariano, and of Amer-. Pelaez is not to be denied. It seems
to me that Federico Cantu and Guillerrno rather than Rivera,
Orozco and 1Vferida, enliven the 1V[ group
April 16, 1944 - By HOWARD DEVREE - Print
and several small and adept wood figures by
Ellen Key-Oberg. The Artists' Gallery is showing drawings by Hans Boehler, Federico
Cantu, Maurice Golubov, Joseph and Louis Monza, and etchings and
lithographs by Charles
November 10, 1946 - By H.R. HAYS - Print
Headline: "People of San Rafael"
Mackinley Helm is no exception.People of
San Rafael By H.R. HAYS A MATTER OF LOVE. By Mackinicy Helm. Decorations . by Federico
Cantu. 251 pp. New York: Harper Ec Bros. s2.50. tales of a provincial
city of the